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The consequences of a lawyer misconduct case

On Behalf of | Dec 30, 2020 | Professional License Defense |

If you are an attorney facing allegations of wrongdoing, it is imperative to understand what is at stake and do everything in your power to protect your career, reputation and future. When accusations of attorney misconduct surface, they bring the possibility of harsh consequences. In some cases, legal professionals are falsely accused of unethical conduct even though they did not do anything wrong. 

Ultimately, every attorney is in a different position when a complaint arises and you need to review the unique aspects of your case in order to determine the best course of action. 

What happens when someone files a complaint?

According to the State Bar of California, when someone files a complaint against an attorney due to allegations of misconduct, an investigator reviews the case. If they find the allegations valid, the case goes to court, where a judge will decide whether to dismiss the case or move forward with disciplinary action. Sometimes, complaints do not result in charges or investigations, but they still result in a disciplinary hearing in State Bar Court. Moreover, some cases go to law enforcement in the event of suspected criminal activity. 

Who can file complaints against attorneys?

From a court officer to a client, many different people can file a complaint against an attorney. Sometimes, these complaints come from other legal professionals, a court officer or even an insurance company. There are no fees associated with filing a complaint and anyone has the ability to do so. If a complaint was recently filed against you, you need to evaluate the individual aspects of your case closely. 


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